08 February 2014


I thought you might be interested in this story: Thousands turn out for first look at new Stan Span bridge.

Lisa Brown (@LisaBrownSTL) tweeted at 10:45 AM on Sat, Feb 08, 2014: Now dozens of cyclists are taking over the new Miss. River bridge in a 6-mile time trial #stanspan #stl

Check out Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge (I-70, St. Louis) on @foursquare: http://4sq.com/f5tkgY

Sent from my Sprint phone.

Sent via the Post-Dispatch Android App. Download the app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ap.postdispatch

On Saturday, Big Shark bicycle company hosted a time trial cycling event in tangent  with the completion of the Stan Musal Veterans Memorial Bridge, or StanSpan for short.  Equipped with essential cold weather gloves and knit cap I ventured out to Downtown St Louis to join the festivities.  
Street parking wasn't so bad.  Took a loop from Broadway into Brooklyn near the expressway entrance.  Had to walk it out on 10TH.  The pedestrian traffic I noticed were  jumping the median so I hoisted my bicycle over and started walking up hill on the ramp.
The I70 ramp pictured here offers motor  commuters access to the downtown area, alleviating some major congestion.  
The iconic downtown St. Louis skyline has a new feature.  

For more pictures of the StanSpan, follow the St Louis dispatch online tweets and creative outlets as well. Big thanks to all who turned out to make this weekend a blast.