28 January 2014

Alternate work out routine on pool deck

Assuming you're like me and add aquatic calisthenic routine to your weekly workout plan or wish to do so, here are a few activities I found challenging yet doable. 

First try setting up a poolside yoga area with  5-12 lb dumbbells, towels, something to keep yourself warm between sets like an oversized sweatshirt.    This helps you visualize what you're there to do and differentiate leisure swim time from more intense workout swimming. 

I picked up this thought as I was on the ecliptical watching someone carry weights around the indoor track with them while doing their routine. 

What I'm trying to demonstrate here is stair climbing.  Using an available bench step onto the platform with powerful thrust upwards.  Making sure to keep balance, step back onto the deck.  Alternate step up foot on next up step.  Do as many of this motion as quickly as possible, maybe sets of thirty between swimming laps.